Standard Uniform Expectations
All pupils in Years 7 to 11 are required to wear full school uniform every day. We always expect a high standard of appearance in all our pupils. All staff, including Form Tutors, ensure that all pupils wear the correct uniform at all times throughout the school day.
Our school uniform reflects our ethos that everything we do should be worthy of great merit, character and value. It also reflects the pride pupils have in our school, and their own self-confidence as well as making an excellent impression upon the wider community.
All clothing must be clearly labelled with your child’s name and form so that it can be quickly returned in the event of it being lost or mislaid. Blazers, ties, school jumpers and PE kits can be purchased from School Colours using the link above. We have sample uniform items in our school reception if your child would like to try items on for fitting before purchasing. All other items can be purchased in a range of shops at competitive prices.
Uniform List – Available from School Colours Direct
Woldgate School Blazer
Black with the Woldgate School badge and green piping on the pockets.
V-neck School Jumper
Grey with single bottle green stripe on collar.
School Tie
Lower School tie (Years 7 and 8) or Upper School tie (Years 9, 10 and 11) with thin coloured stripes representing the appropriate School House. The school tie must be always worn.
Grey Skirt
Mid grey, knee length with box pleats.
Grey Trousers
Mid grey trousers should be formal, classic, smart trousers. They should be loose fitting (not skintight) and plain (without brass zips, logos or studs on the pockets for instance). They should be waist height, so not to expose underwear. (Not leggings/treggings/jeans/cargo/chino in style).
They can be worn with a thin back belt if necessary (no fashion belts/large buckles).
Not available from School Shop
Standard white, loose-fitting shirt with stiff pointed collar (not open necked) to take tie; shirt must be long enough to be tucked in and wide enough at the neck to fasten the top button. Fashion shirts or blouses that include embroidery, logos, or slim collars that are not designed for a tie should not be worn.
Plain (no decoration), professional, black, low-heeled, sensible, full leather shoes with a plain black sole are appropriate for school. Trainers (including black trainers) and plimsolls are not acceptable – as they are fashion items and do not protect the feet in Science or Design Technology lessons. Plain black, low-heeled boots can be worn under trousers only. UGG-style boots are also a fashion item and should not be worn.
Plain white or black only. Socks must not be worn over tights and must cover ankles.
Plain (not patterned) and black in colour. Leggings are not permitted.
We have reviewed our school uniform to ensure it remains affordable, and we have restricted the branded items of the standard uniform to the school blazer and tie. All other standard uniform items, in the correct school colours, can be purchased from general school uniform suppliers, including leading supermarkets. This helps to reduce the cost to parents and carers.
Although our basic PE kit is branded (T-shirt, shorts or skort), other items (fleeces, leggings etc.) are strictly optional. Plain, black leggings without branding are also acceptable.
If you have any queries or concerns regarding school uniform, please do contact your child’s Care & Achievement Coordinator in the first instance.
Pre-owned Uniform
Parents and carers can take previously worn uniform to Barnardo’s (Market Place, Pocklington), on the basis that it is in good condition. Donated items must be clean, folded and placed in bags, clearly marked as ‘School Uniform’. Please do not include non-school uniform items in the same bag but donate these separately. Parents and carers wishing to purchase new uniform items may wish to visit Barnardo’s to see if a second-hand item is available.
Uniform Dress Rules
Discreet make-up is permitted. Excessive make-up will not be tolerated. No jewellery should be worn. If ears have been pierced, plain studs (3mm diameter – only one per ear in each earlobe only) may be worn and removed for PE (only one pair of studs may be worn at any time). No other body piercing is allowed. False nails and/or painted nails must not be worn.
Pupils’ hair styles must be reasonable – we do not allow more extreme hair styles e.g., bright/multi-colours or Mohican cuts. Head scarves are not to be worn, except for religious reasons, and hair bands can only be worn if thin and black. Pupils considering a radical change of hairstyle should check with their Head of Care & Achievement in advance to ensure that it is within School guidelines.
Outer Clothing
We recommend a simple and inexpensive waterproof coat that completely covers the school blazer. Although hats and scarves are not part of the school uniform, they may be worn in very cold weather, but they must be removed inside school buildings. Denim jackets, hoodies and branded jackets and coats must not be worn.
Pupils must always wear black school shoes during the school day, except for when they are having PE lessons or taking part in extra-curricular sports activities. Shoes must be waterproof and should be polished regularly. During very cold or wet weather, pupils may wear waterproof boots to school, but these must be changed for school shoes as soon as they arrive in school.
Woldgate PE Kit
Full details of the Woldgate PE Kit can be found above, the majority of items can be purchased from the School Colours Direct
Indoor and outdoor training shoes must be purchased elsewhere.
Non marking sporting trainers (white soles) with laces, which are designed to support pupils’ feet during physical activity. Pupils are not permitted to wear school shoes, plimsolls, Converse, Vans and high tops.
Pupils are expected to change for every PE lesson.