Religious Studies

Our vision:

Our world view shapes the way we experience life and interact and relate to others.
Consequently, Religious Education is important to working and living in a multi-faith and multicultural
world, but it is also a vital way to understand ourselves. By experiencing Religious
Education, your child will enter into a rich discourse about the religious and non-religious
traditions that have shaped Great Britain and the world.

By focusing on world views – both secular and religious – and by recognizing that even within a
religions such as Christianity there are differences between individuals who describe themselves
as Christian, we hope to show children the complexity and variety of world views and how they
relate to each other. 


Everything you do in Religious Studies should be of great merit, character and value.

Of great merit: PHILOSOPHICAL

Of great character: WISE

Of great value: TOLERANT



Religous studies Overview



How families can support:

Encouraging pupils to be positive about their leaning and lessons and discussing the issues and
topics covered in class will be useful. It is also helpful to be aware of key events and issues in the
world. Watching documentaries, the news and also reading a newspaper will make pupils
understand of what is happening in society. Supporting pupils with homework tasks and looking
through their exercise book work will also support and guide pupils.


Care & Achievement Coordinators

Our Care & Achievement Coordinators support pupils in each year group, and are the main point of contact between parents, pupils and school.  If you have any queries, please contact the appropriate Care & Achievement Coordinator in the first instance.

Year 7 - Mrs McDonough - 07980 702715 - [email protected]

Year 8 - Mrs Cross - 07790 987131 - [email protected]

Year 9 - Mrs Cavanagh - 07790 987139 - [email protected]

Year 10 - Mr Joseph - 07790 987142 - [email protected]

Year 11 - Mrs Clark - 07790 987009 - [email protected]

Sixth Form - Mrs Fairhurst - 07790 987137 - [email protected]

Deputy Designated Safeguarding Lead and Child Protection Coordinator - Mrs Wright - 07790 987007 - [email protected]

Designated Safeguarding Lead - Mrs Handley - 01759 302395 - [email protected]

Attendance Officer - Mrs O'Brien - 01759 302395 - [email protected]

Attendance and Wellbeing Coordinator - Mrs Sanchez-Ewbank - [email protected]

If you require paper copies of any documents on our website please contact the school office (contact details below).

General Enquiries >

Woldgate School and Sixth Form College
92 Kilnwick Road
YO42 2LL
t 01759 302395 e-mail [email protected]

Sixth Form >

[email protected]

Woldgate School and Sixth Form College, an Academy, is part of the Wolds Learning Partnership, a charitable company limited by guarantee, registered in England and Wales with Company Number: 10518602. Registered Office: 92 Kilnwick Road Pocklington, York YO42 2LL.